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$2.99 - $36.00
Extra Performance Kick As the core of the Honey Stinger Gel line, our Gold formula is great for the honey purist. Containing 95% honey, added electrolytes and B vitamins, our original Gold Gel is a proven favorite among endurance athletes for nearly a decade. More Versatile Than Other Gels Honey Stinger Classic Energy Gels may be consumed straight from the packet before or during activity, spread on toast, stirred into tea, or anything else you can think of. All flavors mix well with water to make a natural energy drink. When to Consume Honey Stinger Gels are optimized for efficient fueling before and during athletic efforts. Gels provide instant, honey-powered energy that lasts, which delays muscle fatigue and gives your body the power to achieve your goals.
$1.99 - $38.40
Perform at your highest potential with GU Energy Gel. The 3:1 ratio of maltodextrin and fructose spares your limited glycogen stores with a combination of slow and fast-absorbing carbohydrates. The electrolytes sodium and potassium are just what your legs crave to stay firing properly. Branched-chain amino acids speed recovery and reduce muscle damage, and of course the delicious flavors go down easy.
Amped-up Energy for Athletes ROCTANE Energy Gels are designed for long-duration and high-intensity activities with more electrolytes for hydration and amino acids for your muscles. - Designed for long-duration and high-intensity training and racing with more electrolytes for hydration and amino acids for your muscles - Contains up to three times the amino acids and sodium than standard gels and also includes Taurine - All energy gels are Vegan, gluten-free, and Kosher - Available in caffeinated and non-caffeinated flavors. Caffeinated flavors come with either 35mg or 70mg of caffeine
$2.99 - $35.82
CLIF BLOKS Energy Chews provide quick, chewable, energy to athletes while training and racing. BLOKS come in 33 calorie cubes, with sleek and portable packaging, making it easy to customize and track caloric and electrolyte intake during long outings and races.
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